Teen Wolf Wiki

“Stiles” Stilinski is one of the main characters on MTV’s Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf: Search for a Cure. He is portrayed by Dylan O'Brien.

He is Scott McCall’s best friend and helps him through the various complications facing a young werewolf.

Stiles' life has become infinitely more complicated since "dying" as a surrogate sacrifice. Waking dreams and lost time caused him to believe he might be losing his mind. Stiles was, at one time, fully possessed by a Nogitsune but has fully recovered.


Stiles is a student at Beacon Hills High School and the son of Beacon County's Sheriff Stilinski.

His mother, Claudia Stilinski, died 6 years ago. He was present when she passed and has never gotten over her death. For some unknown reason, Stiles blames himself.

He was a geeky but otherwise normal kid before a werewolf bit his best friend and threw his world into constant chaos.

Stiles is sarcastic, funny and outspoken. He is extremely clever and has led the way in working through many of the mysteries of the show.

He is a bit frustrated that the werewolf bite has cast him as Robin to Scott’s Batman but he is a solid friend and loyal to a fault.

For the longest time he held an intense but unrequited love for fellow classmate Lydia Martin. Their relationship has grown into a strong friendship.

While they have a typically combative parent/teenager relationship, Stiles loves his father very much and often worries about his safety.

Stiles relationship with Derek Hale is awkward and adversarial. Scenes featuring the two characters offer some of the show's funniest moments.

Stiles apparently lost his virginity during a brief stay at a mental institution (See Echo House) and has a growing relationship with werecoyote Malia Tate.

Season 1

Stiles helps his best friend deal after Scott is bitten by a werewolf. (read more...)

Season 2

Stiles saves Derek and helps protect Lydia after Jackson transforms into a Kanima. (read more...)

Season 3

Stiles dies and comes back in order to save his father from the Darach.

He is then possessed by a Nogitsune and wreaks havoc on his friends. (read more...)

Season 4

Stiles and Malia have become closer. He's been teaching her to be more human. They along with Scott, Lydia and Kira travel to Mexico in search of Derek. (read more...)

Stiles watches young Derek Hale for Scott until Derek escapes with Kate. He confesses that Malia has been sneaking into his bed each night. (read more...)

Stiles throws himself into lacrosse tryouts and helps Malia with her homework. (read more...)

Stiles tries to help Scott corral Liam. He then watches over Malia during the full moon and helps her gain control of her transformation. (read more...)

Stiles investigates the murder of Carrie Hudson and figures out that the weapon used was attached to a lacrosse stick. (read more...)

Stiles and Lydia figure out the third and final keyword. (read more...)

Stiles figures out the source of the infection and is almost killed by "The Chemist." (read more...

He has to adjust to life without Malia while helping with a plan to "kill" Scott and flush out the Benefactor. (read more...)

Stiles' father is hospitalized adding to his family money concerns. He helps Lydia find the keyword to unlock a coded message from her grandmother and is almost killed by Brunski. (read more...)

Stiles and Malia make up. They work together to find and shut down the computer running The Dead Pool at Lorraine Martin's lake house. (read more...)

Stiles shifts his investigation from The Benefactor to finding Malia's mother. He learns his Eichen House debt is forgiven and fails miserably during the first lacrosse game. (read more...)

Stiles disobeys his father and goes after Scott in Mexico. He helps Liam control his shift on the full moon. He finds Kira in the temple and together they stop Malia from killing Berserker Scott. (read more...)

Stiles' Shirt

Starting in Episode 313, Stiles is seen wearing the same shirt in three successive episodes .

The blue and white ringer t-shirt is the first thing Stiles puts on when he finally "wakes up" in Anchors. He wears it again the day after he and Scott discover Malia's Den in More Bad Than Good.

Then, in Galvanize, an apparent production glitch places him in the shirt for less than a minute in the middle of a scene. One second he is wearing another shirt - he then is seen wearing the ringer t-shirt - in the next shot he's back to his original wardrobe.

There is, as of the end of Season 3, no explanation for this phenomenon.

The Name

This character’s name is the source of confusion and dispute.

Early publicity for the show[1] identified him as “Stan Stilinsky” as does the pilot cast list for “Wolf Moon” at IMDB.[2]

During the episode The Tell, a very brief shot of his school records showed his last name spelled “Stilinski”. MTV also uses this as the character name on their website.[3]

Complicating the question of Stiles’ surname further is the fact that his father was identified as “Sheriff Stilinsky” in all episode cast lists[4], the main cast list for the show[5] and in much of the publicity surrounding the show. In Formality we see, for the first time, the name tag on the sheriff’s uniform which says “Stilinski” (see images).

Later listings of the cast have the character name as simply “Stiles” and this is the nickname all characters use when addressing him on the show.[6]

Further complicating the name issue, is the fact that his father is identified in the credits for theSeason 2 episode Omega as "Sheriff Stalinski".

During The Tell, Coach Bobby Finstock made fun of Stiles’ first name. He said it amounted to child abuse.

The joke was revived in the Season 3 episode Riddled when the doctor performing the MRI says he's unsure how to pronounce Stiles' first name or believes it to be a misspelling.

Tyler Posey told the Comic Con 2011 panel that viewers will learn his first name and will “crack up” when they do. This has so far proved to be untrue.

On the August 19th episode of The Fantastic Show, Jeff Davis said "A lot of people think that he doesn't have a first name, that I don't know what it is but I do... and it's very difficult to pronounce." He refused to reveal the name saying "Maybe in the last episode of our series... the series finale maybe."



  • No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body!” — Stiles to Scott in Wolf Moon
  • Hey, Lydia! You look like — you're gonna ignore me.” — Stiles to Lydia in Wolf Moon
  • Come on, if I have to, I'll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you, live, mice. I had a boa once. I can do it.” — Stiles to Scott in Wolf Moon
  • I define it as... as reclining your body in a horizontal position.” — Stiles to his dad in Second Chance at First Line
  • Am I attractive to gay guys?” — Stiles asks Scott in Pack Mentality
  • You're a horrible person.” — Danny to Stiles in Wolf's Bane.
  • I know. It keeps me awake at night.” — Stiles to Danny in Wolf's Bane
  • If I’m harboring your fugitive ass. My house, my rules buddy.” — Stiles to Derek in Wolf's Bane
  • “You mean like ‘Hey Dad! Derek Hale's in my room..bring your gun’”” — Stiles to Derek in Wolf's Bane
  • No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven.” — Stiles to Scott in Pack Mentality
  • Why's it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin? I don't wanna be Robin all the time!” — Stiles to Scott in Pack Mentality.
  • No, a unicorn... dumbass.” — Stiles to Jackson about Lydia transforming in Omega
  • If you harm one perfect, strawberry-blonde hair on her head, I'm gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present.” — Stiles to Isaac in Venomous
  • You're killing people...to death!” — Stiles to Jackson in Frenemy
  • This new-found heroism is making me very attracted to you.” — Stiles to Scott McCall in Ice Pick
  • Abominable snowman. But it's more of a "wintertime" thing. You know, seasonal.” — Stiles to Matt in Fury
  • Matt's head. I sit behind him in history. He's got a very distinct cranium.” — Stiles to his dad in Fury
  • Can someone kill him again please?” — Stiles to Peter Hale in Chaos Rising
  • Is he looking at me? Are you threatening me? You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freaking...” — Stiles starting to threaten Ethan in The Girl Who Knew Too Much
  • You know next time I put my lips to your mouth you better be awake” — Stiles talking to the unconscious but breathingCora in The Overlooked


