Teen Wolf Wiki

Mistletoe isn't actually poisonous to humans.[]

In the Weaknesses section it is stated mistletoe would be poisonous to humans and could lead to death if untreated.


Much like with humans, Mistletoe poisons werewolves and can lead to death if untreated."

That isn't actually the case. Mistletoe only is slightly toxic, causing irritation of skin and mucous membranes, rarely abdominal pain, diarrhea, reduced heart rate and blood pressure. Symptoms are not to be expected after just eating some berries, leaves and twigs.

In S3 ep. 4 ("Unleashed") Dr. Deaton explains to Scott that Mistletoe is poisonous to dogs and werewolfs. Jennifer Blake doesn't poison her victims with Mistletoe but casts a spell over them.

Mistletoe is poisonous to humans[]

There are 1500 species of mistletoe, varying widely in toxicity to humans. The active substances are Phoratoxin (in Phoradendron) and Tyramine (in Viscum) and their effects include blurred vision, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Less commonly they cause cardiac problems; seizures, hypertension, and even cardiac arrest. Toxins are more concentrated in the leaves and berries of the plant, with teas prepared from the plant being particularly dangerous.

Humans ingest many poisonous substances on the daily, the difference between something being poisonous and something being deadly is the amount ingested. With so many varieties of mistletoe, as a general statement, "Mistletoe is poisonous to humans" is correct.

-> Thank you for your answer, but imho that is not correct. It would mean a statement like "apples are poisonous to humans" isn't weird at all. Drinking too much apple juice can lead to diarrhea and dehydration is deadly. There is a difference between a poison and substances only having a negative effect in massive amounts. Greetings, Croak!ich

Evolved Werewolf[]

Regarding the paragraph

"Evolved Werewolf

Regarded as a rare occurrence, some werewolves obtain the ability to shift into an actual wolf.

Jeff Davis regarded these werewolves as those who have achieved a balance between their wolf nature and their humanity that keep them from becoming beasts.

This form is only seen with Laura Hale, Talia Hale, and Derek Hale."

And Malia Tate (Hale) lived for 8 years in her animal koyote form.

This article is not about werecoyote[]

Malia is not a werewolf.
